Far away in time

Not Making a Lot of Sense, Sorry August 3, 2008

Filed under: Misc.,The Coast is Toast,Yum! — Echo Beach @ 12:09 am
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Hi.  So, I’ve been avoiding you, sorry about that.  But I’m supposed to do a book review for here, which I (clearly) have not done and *spoiler alert* I totally hated it, which makes it hard to review, which only makes me hate it more.  It’s a vicious cycle.  Also, July was not my best month.  My life right now is a total mess, every single area of my life, starting with my hair and moving on to everything else, is falling apart (although not literally, even in the case of my hair).  And I know I’m probably not making much sense, but I’m freaking out right now and I really don’t know what I’m going to do.  I’m not even sure what I should do, except find a job, but there’s the SAG thing, and I don’t even know.  Plus, I’ve started exercising, which is supposed to make you feel better, but it turns out that when I wasn’t exercising because I thought I didn’t like it, I was totally right.  So now I’m exercising, which I totally hate, but I hate giving up more, plus it turns out that I’m totally weak, and I want to be able to pick up heavy shit, so I’m going to keep doing it.  But I’m not going to like it!  Also I tried to make sourdough starter, but it got all weird, to the point where the internet could not even tell me what was going on.  So I’m trying again, but it looks like the same thing is happening, and since I don’t know what I did wrong I might just have to give up on the sourdough thing for now.  But I did make some really beautiful white bread in the bread pan my sister got me for my birthday.  (My mom got me bread pans for Christmas, but they are unnaturally big, so my sister got me a normal sized one.)  Also, sorry if there are an unusual number of typos here, the spell-check method seems to have changed, and I’m not 100% I’ve got it figured out.  PPS. Did you all watch Dr. Horrible?  Was it not the awesome?  Turns out you can still watch it for free online!  (In addition to downloading it from itunes.)  This is yay because I’ve been listing to a bootleg version of the soundtrack, and really wanting to watch it again, but I am totally broke (more so than usual).  So yeah, I will try to be less avoidant, but no promises, sorry.


Not Making a Lot of Sense, Sorry. August 2, 2008

Filed under: Misc.,The Coast is Toast,Yum! — Echo Beach @ 11:54 pm
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Hi.  So, I’ve been avoiding you, sorry about that.  But I’m supposed to do a book review for here, which I (clearly) have not done and *spoiler alert* I totally hated it, which makes it hard to review, which only makes me hate it more.  It’s a vicious cycle.  Also, July was not my best month.  My life right now is a total mess, every single area of my life, starting with my hair and moving on to everything else, is falling apart (although not literally, even in the case of my hair).  And I know I’m probably not making much sense, but I’m freaking out right now and I really don’t know what I’m going to do.  I’m not even sure what I should do, except find a job, but there’s the SAG thing, and I don’t even know.  Plus, I’ve started exercising, which is supposed to make you feel better, but it turns out that when I wasn’t exercising because I thought I didn’t like it, I was totally right.  So now I’m exercising, which I totally hate, but I hate giving up more, plus it turns out that I’m totally weak, and I want to be able to pick up heavy shit, so I’m going to keep doing it.  But I’m not going to like it!  Also I tried to make sourdough starter, but it got all weird, to the point where the internet could not even tell me what was going on.  So I’m trying again, but it looks like the same thing is happening, and since I don’t know what I did wrong I might just have to give up on the sourdough thing for now.  But I did make some really beautiful white bread in the bread pan my sister got me for my birthday.  (My mom got me bread pans for Christmas, but they are unnaturally big, so my sister got me a normal sized one.)  Also, sorry if there are an unusual number of typos here, the spell-check method seems to have changed, and I’m not 100% I’ve got it figured out.  PPS. Did you all watch Dr. Horrible? Was it not the awesome?  Also, it turns out that, in addition to downloading it from itunes, you can still watch it for free online!  Which makes me happy because I’ve been listing to a bootleg version of the soundtrack and I really want to watch it again.  And I am totally broke.  More so than usual even.  So yeah, I’ll try not to be so avoidant, but I can’t make any promises right now.


Things I Want the Internet to Have June 8, 2008

Filed under: Why is This Not a Thing?,Yum! — Echo Beach @ 8:00 am

Hi from the past! I just thought of something that I wanted to write, but I am spacing it out so it won’t get posted until I’m in New Orleans. I know, I am so sneaky. But I realized that one of the things I want from the internet is a website where I can have a garden. I live in an apartment, and I really want a place where I can plant pretend flowers and then look at them. Also take care of them, and have fountains and trees and paths, and all that good stuff. If anyone reading this knows of a website (or a free or pirate-able Mac friendly app) where I can do this, please tell me at once. Alternately if you are a web-developer type and you want to make something like this, please send me a beta invite.

The other thing that I wish for from the internet is a recipe website, where you can log all the ingredients in your kitchen, then it will find recipes that only use ingredients that you already have. That doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to make, right? Because I would really like to cook with the random shit I already have, instead of having to go and buy more stuff.

UPDATE: I found the recipe website! It’s supercook.com, and it’s very easy to use. Mu only complaint is that you can’t search the recipes it brings up, but you can narrow them by any of the ingredients you have. Thank you internet.


Tasty tasty food September 2, 2007

Filed under: Yum! — Echo Beach @ 1:44 am

So, I am really proud of myself, because I made a cheesecake. My apartment smells all yummy. Unfortunately I have not been able to eat any of it yet, because I forgot that it has to refrigerate for four hours before you are supposed to eat it. Normally I would just say to hell with it (patience not being one of my strong suits) but I am afraid of cutting into it and having it melt all over the place, which would make me very sad and a huge mess. But I keep looking at it in the fridge, and it looks so pretty and perfect and round, and the middle didn’t fall, and I get to eat all of it. I am very excited.

I am also kind of getting addicted to this making-real-food thing. Last week I made french bread, and it was really good. I pretty much had a religious experience eating it hot from the oven. I actually though “I should start some sort of bread-based religion”. I still have one loaf left, it’s currently sharing freezer space with my sleepwear. I really want to make potato salad next, but I’m trying to find a good recipe that doesn’t use mayonnaise, because mayo = yuck.

In summary: I am an awesome baking genius, maple syrup is annoying because it is expensive, but using too little is worse than having none at all, so you always end up using too much, and I should probably start eating before sunset.